Sunday, January 6, 2008

Yukon Gold ("Kalera")

I wonder if it is partly the large fried content that is getting to you? I have been eating lots of baked potatoes, potato soup, and mashed potatoes, with the occasional hash browns, and I feel pretty awesome. Alcohol has been making me feel kind of pukey so I haven't had very much of it the last few days. I'm eating a variety of potato types (Russet, Yukon Gold, and Blue) and making a point of eating the skins, which are high in iron. Don't forget your skins! Oh, the other thing I would recommend is eating lots of yogurt with live cultures, such as Nancy's. I've been eating piles and piles of homemade yogurt, and I can make you some if you like! I think it makes it a lot easier on your digestive system.

Yesterday I think I pretty much just ate baked potatoes with cheese, though in the evening I sliced a potato and baked the slices, then ate them dipped in yogurt that had garlic in it. Yummy!

Today after my tea with milk I ate baked potato slices with cheese (Yukon Gold is not the best potato type for this: too squishy! Russet Burbanks are better) and a bowl of yogurt, then some cottage cheese, then potato soup with cheddar. I also had a small cup of vodka and milk, and just now I ate a bowl of cottage cheese and am now having a bowl of yogurt. I will definitely not be lacking for calcium this month.

I am pooping like a champion.


daff0dil said...

I'm curious how you are making potato soup without significant onion or garlic content

Eating Potatoes and Dairy for SCIENCE! said...

It's pretty much exactly the same as regular potato soup, but a bit blander, and add a bunch of cheese at the end.